Monday, March 3, 2008

Reality Kicks.

Realistically speaking life will both suck, and be wonderful at different times. many Christians give off the idea that you can't be close to Jesus unless you're this happy go lucky smiles and flowers kinda person. That a bad time means somehow your relationship with God is falling apart.

Which is simply not true.

A lot of times, also, Christians give off the idea that we must self sacrifice, be servants, and work hard to keep our faith strong, and that more often than not it's not gonna be easy, or happy, or whatever.

And that's not true either. Because many times it will be. It is an abundant life after all.

Life has a rhythm, it goes through different beats, sometimes they're soft W's of peace and hope and kindness, and happiness, and the Christian is happy, and their Jesus is with them.

Sometimes it's hard B's and life is hitting you from every angle, and you can barely stand up, and your faith is waning, but your hope holds strong, even as you are honest with the rest of the world that you just don't feel it...even as you are honest that life itself, you just want to leave it. And Jesus is with them.

That is Reality.

What do we want to represent, Jesus who is Lord of only the sad people? Of only the happy people? Or Jesus who is Lord and Lover of the human people? Living through the ups and downs of life?

I would rather be myself, the inherent truth in such a thing shining through, sometimes my life sucks, and I'm barely getting through, sometimes i am incredibly at peace, hopeful and happy, Jesus is lord all the time, and He's with me.

I think there's a beauty there for non-Christians. They don't have to be happy to be with Jesus. They don't have to be sad. They just have to be desiring Him.

Dive Deep